Update on the Apple Battery Scandle of 2007
So if you haven't been keeping up with my blog (I am not sure why you would) it appears as though my Apple MacBook Pro battery had some serious issues.
The battery was either unable to charge or not keeping a charge. This was on a MacBook Pro from November 2006, so a fairly recent MacBook.
I went to the Apple Store in the Cherry Creek Mall this weekend and had their "Genius" take a look at it. He was very cool, tried a few things, replaced the battery and voila it worked.
I really fault Apple for not doing a proper job on their manufacturing and product development. The battery is not a product that Apple makes themselves (at least I certainly hope not) so this is really a case of mismanagement and just bad process.
It's been clear to everyone that Apple did a very quick turnaround when moving to Intel. I questioned whether or not it was possible or prudent to move so quickly. I think all of the manufacturing bugs and firmware issues are probably likely consequences of making that move so quickly.
Quality Problems and Grand Thinking (without execution) were hallmarks of the era prior to Steve Jobs and were the main reasons that Apple brought Steve back to Apple and forced John Scully out. Let's hope that this recent set of issues isn't a sign of things to come for Apple.