35,000 feet above Mosul Iraq ---
I am posting this blog from 35,000 feet (according to the in-flight monitor). We are currently about 30km away from Mosul.
I am on my way to speak at the BEA Dev2Dev show in Bangalore, India. I have been long delaying a visit to India on the grounds that everyone who visits comes back ill. A very convincing alliance manager has convinced me that this experience will be good for me
While the flight over has been brutal (San Francisco - Frankfurt and then Frankfurt - Bangalore), I was comforted to find that the flight to Bangalore had internet access (and quite yummy Indian food).
While I am getting caught up on my email (sorry AMD folks), I am very concerned that my one place of escape is now being comprimised. Let me explain, for years I have counted on my travel time being my "kyle time". This alone time was supported by a lack of in-flight power (thus I could only work for a limited period of time) and a lack of connectivity (cell phones, BlackBerry, internet).
Its proof that the world is getting smaller. Now while it may be getting smaller, it is not getting any shorter.