Sunday, April 16, 2006

35,000 feet above Mosul Iraq ---

I am posting this blog from 35,000 feet (according to the in-flight monitor). We are currently about 30km away from Mosul.

I am on my way to speak at the BEA Dev2Dev show in Bangalore, India. I have been long delaying a visit to India on the grounds that everyone who visits comes back ill. A very convincing alliance manager has convinced me that this experience will be good for me

While the flight over has been brutal (San Francisco - Frankfurt and then Frankfurt - Bangalore), I was comforted to find that the flight to Bangalore had internet access (and quite yummy Indian food).

While I am getting caught up on my email (sorry AMD folks), I am very concerned that my one place of escape is now being comprimised. Let me explain, for years I have counted on my travel time being my "kyle time". This alone time was supported by a lack of in-flight power (thus I could only work for a limited period of time) and a lack of connectivity (cell phones, BlackBerry, internet).

Its proof that the world is getting smaller. Now while it may be getting smaller, it is not getting any shorter.


At 8:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I was part of the the BEA dev2dev program at Bangalore. It was pretty nice to know about BEA blended strategy. What impressed me is the session on AMD because we as developers hardly get a chance to attend any sessions that talk about hardware designs.

Keep up the good work.


At 1:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, no more Kyle time in the air.
You'll have to take up scuba diving.


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