Traditions and Change (Explain this to me Hollywood)
New Years Eve is always a great time for traditions and reflection. In my family we had a quirky tradition of a buffet including french bread/banans and chedder cheese (slice and go), shrimp cocktail, canned herring and various cooked meats (think salami, ham, roast beef). This traditional dinner was followed by a screening of Swiss Family Robinson, you know the Disney movie from the 1960's.
Well this year I am hanging with the friends and remembering those traditions and discovering that you cannot find the movie Swiss Family Robinson in any of the traditional [brick and mortar] stores. Thus my plans of a wicked NYE party complete with traditional food and movies was cancelled. I did eventually find the movie on which annoys me even more.
If this content is available, why isn't it available when "I" want. The real answer, I am convinced, is that Hollywood has not yet gotten the message that DRM and their silly rules actually get in the way of people purchasing. Tonight I would happily have spent $10-$20.00 (perhaps even more) to have this movie available.
Disney/Hollywood and all you silly DRM loving people... get the message. IF you had made AVAILABLE to me the CONTENT then I would have PAID you $20.00 (or more).
The technology involved in making this content available to me is trivial. At one end of the spectrum they could simply create an ISO image and stick it up on the web and give me a one time key to access and download it and create my own DVD. If you wanted to get really fancy youd use some codec's and encoding.
I hope that the studios and their fun loving MPAA get the message quickly that they need to ENABLE this market and technology. I don't care how you do it...just get it done. The sooner you find a way for me to watch Swiss Family Robinson on MY TERMS, the sooner you get MY MONEY!
Labels: DRM Hollywood Swiss Family Robinson NYE New Years Eve