Sunday, March 13, 2005

Some things you cant do online

So obviously I have not blogged in quite some time. Rest assured it was not because I didn't have anything to say.

Today I set out to purchase my new bar-b-que grill. The relocation folks included everything possible with my apt. in Sunnyvale except that one item every guy needs - a grill.

I have tried to cook using the conventional cooking aparatus but have found that the place smells like whatever I cook (so no garlic allowed) and I end up burning things frequently enough that my neighbors are no longer concerned at the sound of my smoke detector/alarm thingy.

So today I set off to my local Wal-Mart and HomeDepot to purchase the grill. Being the eternally lazy monkey I am, I decided that the girlls were too large to fit in my car and that the assembly could be dangerous without parental supervision.

Upon returning home I discovered a website (from a large un-named company) from which to order my new grill. Wish me luck as it is delivered this week and as I recruit friends to help me assemble it.


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